Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Silence in the night

I was ready to sleep
the lights were out
my prayers said
I shut off my eyes
wishing to go to the dreamland place.

It was hard to relax
It was hard to forget
the whole day was crazy
the whole day I was late

The silence relaxed me
I felt I could dream
Then suddenly my cat
meowed in my ear

She scare me to death!
She scare me oh dear!
but even while trembling
I ran after her

I tripped with a shoe
the TV fell on me
and the cat still meowing
thru the window ran free

I sat on the carpet
peeling my eyes in the dark
all around was a caos
but I didn't give a damn

I was so exausted
I was so upset
but the worst thing that happened
was that I got wide awake!

Poem and art: Patty

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