Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's been a long time

This is a flying squirrel, isn't it amazing?
Esta es una ardilla voladora, no es

Hi, it has been a very long time since we posted something
in our blog; I apologise.

The reason is that Hung has been pormoted in his job, he has new responsabilities. He is also in training and he has little time
to update the comic strip.

The story is done, I finished it long time ago. Hung has promised
me that he will continue with the art soon.

I want to see it completed too, well I only can tell you that it is a
very good story; I'm sure you're going to like it.

Hola, ha pasado bastante tiempo desde la ultima vez que
publicamos algo en nuestro blog. Nos disculpamos.

La razon es que Hung a sido ascendido en su trabajo,
el ahora tiene mas responsabilidades y al mismo tiempo
esta aprendiendo cosas nuevas y dispone de poco tiempo para
actualizar la tira comica.

La narracion ya esta terminada, yo la acabe hace algun tiempo.
Hung me ha prometido que terminara la parte artistica pronto.

Tambien yo quiero verla terminada, bueno lo que puedo
adelantarles es que es una buena historia, estoy segura que ha
ustedes les gustara.

besos, kisses

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