Friday, July 27, 2007

Mas figuras / More models

Hola, aqui mostrando fotos de algunas otras piezas que hemos echo Hung y yo, la segunda foto es de Tin tin, el personaje favorito de Hung, y en la primera estan Asterix y Obelix que son los mios, y mis dos gatas hechas caricatura, y asi es como las representaremos en las tiras comicas que estamos planeando,tambien estan snoopy, topolino el raton sobre el queso es tambien creacion de Hung, un beso a todos.............Patty
Pulsen sobre la foto para que puedan ver mejor los detalles.

Hi, here I am showing pictures of new models Hung and I made, The second one is Tin tin he is Hung's favorite, in the first one are Asterix and Obelix they are mine, and my two cats, Hung made them as cartoon characters, that is the way we are going to feature them in the comic strip we have in mind,snoopy and topolino, he is the mouse on the cheese, also Hung's creation. kisses for every body......Patty
Click on the picture to see the details.

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