Saturday, September 8, 2007


Day 35 of the fifteenth month, year 6003; Our transport is arriving to port.....

My classmates and I are returning from a field trip.

We went to planet Earth.

It has been almost 20 years of travel time, but we haven't aged a bit.

I'm twelve years old, but in human life like on earth my age is about sixteen.

By the way my name is Xilios.

The trip was fantastic and I wish we could have stayed there longer.

There are so many creatures in land and sea to study.

The humans themselves are so different from each other.

I was amazed the first time I saw a group of them.

The variety of skin colors, their facial features, the texture and color of their hair.

Those natural colors are beautiful, even though they dye it with artificial dyes.

Here in my planet we all look alike.There are no differences. Same skin color,

same height, same weight, we all dress the same too. This is so boring, and

there is no way to add a little detail in our appearances.

"Welcome; you have arrived safely to planet XR300. We are experiencing some

atmospheric disturbance. Set your equipment before leaving the ship."Advised

the computer.

"Would it be purple rain or yellow fog, computer?"

"It is yellow fog; You need to adjust you oxigen masks travelers"

It is sulfur.....I don't know how we can subsist in this planet. There on earth

everything is so nice, but still the inhabitants complain so much.

It is hard to understand.

"Salute Xilios, The other teachers and I were just talking about you.

How was your trip?"

"It was fabulous Chiron, Just as you described it!

The feeling I get when I think about that place is overwhelming.

Could I ever go back?"

"It is hard to say Xilios. It depends on what you will choose to be in

your future. But there are so many planets to visit in a very long

list of galaxies.

Talking about our BW TAURI system alone, all of its planets hasn't

been studied yet."

"Then Chiron, tell me, why we were sent so far away?"

"Because Earth is one of the newest planets with the best atmosphere.

Life has developed in a rich variety of fauna and flora. That's way we need

to study their soil.

We are trying to find out if we can recreate such kind of lives somewhere

closer to us, with similar atmospheric conditions."

"Hm! There's still something that I don't understand Chiron."

"What is it?"

"How come they don't get along well? There were several wars going on

while we were there.

I also noticed that if somebody happens to look a little different, some other

people will make fun of them. And that person will grow separate from that

group and has to join a different group of people with the same

characteristics as his own."

"What do you mean Xilios?"

"I'll give you an example Chiron; We went to a school one day, there was this

little earthling who seemed to be the same age as the others in the group.

But he was smaller in height, with stronger facial features.

The taller kids were teasing him, He smiled and also laughed with the jokes

they made about his size, but I could noticed that his feeling was hurt.

Something similar happened to a young female earthling. I her case, It was

about the very simple clothes she was wearing.

While a group of girls with very fancy clothes were passing by and saw her,

they whispered between themselves, then they laughed.

The girl seemed embarrassed. I felt so bad that I wanted to become visible

to tell them how mean they were, but our guide stopped me.

Why did he do so Chiron?"

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