Saturday, September 8, 2007

"Well, I think you could have scare them Xilios. They had never

seen anybody like you."

"Chiron, we are talking about a planet, where everybody looks different.

So, how could I have scared them?"

"You are much taller than an average human of your same age. Plus,

you have a third eye in the middle of your forehead, that's why Xilios!

Their physical differences are only in skin, hair, eye colors, height and weight.

Yet many of them make such a big deal out of those silly dissimilarities!

But they only have two eyes, Even their animals have only two eyes.

If there is somebody or something that is not an insect with one more eye,

It is considered abnormal for their standards.

I'm sure that if they saw you, they would have panicked and hunt you down

to see what kind of monster you are."

"Ok,ok; Then how come here we are not allowed to dress or look different

from each other?"

"Ah Xilios! Our ancestors made a decision milleniums ago. We used to have

the same problems as the earthlings. It took a lot of work to make us

all look alike.

We have been transformed genetically, in the process, we got an

extra eye- It helps!"

"Yeah! like when we bent over to pick up something on the floor and

knock our third eyes on the corner of a table, that's painful!

And what about our clothes or shoes, Chiron? Why they can't be changed?"

"You kids! the same question all the time. Every one who has seen the

earthlings wants to change our world.!

You must know that it cost us a great deal of suffering to become what

we are now. Peace was expensive, very expensive."

"I hope the earthlings will realize some day soon, how lucky they are,

and stop messing up their planet, Chiron"

"Me too, Xilios. They are very fortunate. If they don't fix their mistakes,

They are going to end in a world with no differences like ours."

"Now I realize that our planet is not that bad.

It could be worse, isn't it Chiron?"

"Maybe....! Go write your essay now Xilios, It's getting late."

"Earth, even the name sounds nice."

The planet Earth is located in a solar system of the milky way galaxy......on

one of its spiral arms.......reaching out towards the edge.............

The End.

Story by Patty

Art by Hung

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