Thursday, August 23, 2007

"We wanted to explore the cave" said Jack.

"We want to know why the humans come here all the time" said Pete.

"Ah!" said Ollie, "people don't come this way, you have taken a different path.

This is a place that hasn't been touched by people yet, We still can live

here peacefully. If you go further, you will find a beautiful underground lake.

But be very careful," adviced Ollie, "It is very deep, and when there are

earthquakes,the water waves strongly."

"Do you feel any earthquake coming now?" asked Archy, shaking with fear.

"No, I can't hear any underground sound right now, do you?" asked Ollie.

"No, but I want to go home" said Archy.

"Oh, come on" said his friends.

"Lets take a look and then we will go back home" said Jack.

"All right" said Archy.

It didn't take long to arrive to the lake, once there, they couldn't

believe their eyes. The place was beautiful.

They had never seen so much water before.

There were also some strange but very pretty plants around.

All of a sudden, a big noise came from above the cave.

The whole place started to rumble, they looked at each other and without

saying a word, they turned around and ran towards the exit.

When they got out of the cave, all they could see was a cloud of dirt that

Archy was leaving behind him.

Jack, Pete and Timmy just fell on the ground to catch their breath.

Timmy went to look around and called the others, there was no earthquake.

There were a lot of bikers raving their motorcycles, some of them were

already setting up a camp.

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