Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Cave

Little Jack rabbit and his friends enjoyed their lives in the desert.

They liked to run, they competed by racing each other.

Pete the rattle snake was always the judge.

Sometimes Jack was the winner, Other times it was Timmy the prairi dog.

Archy the armadillo was always last.

They also liked to explore. They were always finding new places to play

hide and seek.

One day, they decided to go further, to the cave at the other side of the hill.

They wondered why so many people would come to visit it all the time.

They never went near there before. But now that they were a little older,

they became more adventurous.

They asked for permission from their parents, packed some foods and

off they went.

When they arrived at the cave, the first sight of it amazed them. It was Huge!

Their hearts were pounding strongly because of the excitement.

Carefully they were going deeper and deeper into the cave.

It was getting very dark, but their eyes adapted to the shadows quickly.

They could hear water dripping in the distance, even though the sound was

very faint, they could still followed it.

It must have been a noise that human ears couldn't hear, but they did,

because animals have stronger senses.

They went through a very narrow path. Suddenly they saw the walls moving,

they got scared.

Somebody said "hello" to them in the dark, they screamed and ran away.

But then several voices called them back.

By now, our little friends realized that the creatures they heard were cave bats.

An old bat named Ollie asked Jack what were they doing so far from home.

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