Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Cave

Little Jack rabbit and his friends enjoyed their lives in the desert.

They liked to run, they competed by racing each other.

Pete the rattle snake was always the judge.

Sometimes Jack was the winner, Other times it was Timmy the prairi dog.

Archy the armadillo was always last.

They also liked to explore. They were always finding new places to play

hide and seek.

One day, they decided to go further, to the cave at the other side of the hill.

They wondered why so many people would come to visit it all the time.

They never went near there before. But now that they were a little older,

they became more adventurous.

They asked for permission from their parents, packed some foods and

off they went.

When they arrived at the cave, the first sight of it amazed them. It was Huge!

Their hearts were pounding strongly because of the excitement.

Carefully they were going deeper and deeper into the cave.

It was getting very dark, but their eyes adapted to the shadows quickly.

They could hear water dripping in the distance, even though the sound was

very faint, they could still followed it.

It must have been a noise that human ears couldn't hear, but they did,

because animals have stronger senses.

They went through a very narrow path. Suddenly they saw the walls moving,

they got scared.

Somebody said "hello" to them in the dark, they screamed and ran away.

But then several voices called them back.

By now, our little friends realized that the creatures they heard were cave bats.

An old bat named Ollie asked Jack what were they doing so far from home.

"We wanted to explore the cave" said Jack.

"We want to know why the humans come here all the time" said Pete.

"Ah!" said Ollie, "people don't come this way, you have taken a different path.

This is a place that hasn't been touched by people yet, We still can live

here peacefully. If you go further, you will find a beautiful underground lake.

But be very careful," adviced Ollie, "It is very deep, and when there are

earthquakes,the water waves strongly."

"Do you feel any earthquake coming now?" asked Archy, shaking with fear.

"No, I can't hear any underground sound right now, do you?" asked Ollie.

"No, but I want to go home" said Archy.

"Oh, come on" said his friends.

"Lets take a look and then we will go back home" said Jack.

"All right" said Archy.

It didn't take long to arrive to the lake, once there, they couldn't

believe their eyes. The place was beautiful.

They had never seen so much water before.

There were also some strange but very pretty plants around.

All of a sudden, a big noise came from above the cave.

The whole place started to rumble, they looked at each other and without

saying a word, they turned around and ran towards the exit.

When they got out of the cave, all they could see was a cloud of dirt that

Archy was leaving behind him.

Jack, Pete and Timmy just fell on the ground to catch their breath.

Timmy went to look around and called the others, there was no earthquake.

There were a lot of bikers raving their motorcycles, some of them were

already setting up a camp.

When our friends arrived home, they went to look for Archy who was hiding.

He was feeling embarrased because he had been scared all the time.

Finally when his friends found him, Timmy and Pete teased him.

"Don't tease Archy" said Jack, "It was the first time we went so far,

I also got scared."

"I think we all did" said Pete.

"Yes, I too was scared, I'm sorry Archy" said Timmy.

After that they went to their houses.

Later in the evening they got together again and sat around a fire.

They talked and laugh about their day, and made plans for their next adventure.

Story by: Patty

Art by: Hung

La Cueva

El conejito Jack y sus amigos disfrutaban su vida en el desierto.
A ellos les gustaba correr, y competian entre ellos haciendo carreras.
Pete la serpiente de cascabel era siempre el juez.
Algunas veces ganaba Jack; Otras veces ganaba Timmy el perrito de
las praderas.
Archy el armadillo, siempre llegaba ultimo.
A ellos tambien les gustaba explorar, Siempre encontraban lugares nuevos
para jugar a las escondidas.
Un dia decidieron ir mas lejos, A la cueva que estaba al otro lado de la colina.
Ellos querian saber por que siempre venia tanta gente a visitarla.
Y ahora que ya eran mas grandecitos y se habian vuelto mas aventureros,
querian ir por donde no habian explorado antes.
Les pidieron permiso a sus padres, empacaron algo de comida y partieron.
Cuando llegaron a la cueva y dieron el primer vistazo, se impresionaron
por que era enorme.
Sus corazoncitos latían muy fuerte por la emoción, cuidadosamente fueron
llendo mas y mas lejos dentro de la cueva.
Se estaba poniendo muy obscuro, pero sus ojos se adaptaban a las sombras
Ellos oyeron gotear agua a lo lejos. El sonido era muy débil, pero aun asi
pudieron seguirlo.
Los humanos no hubieran podido escuchar el goteo, pero ellos al ser animalitos
tenian sus sentidos mas desarrollados y si lo escucharon.
Fueron a travez de un pasaje muy angosto. De pronto vieron que las paredes
se movían y se asustaron.
Alguien dijo 'hola" en la obscuridad, Ellos gritaron y corrieron lejos de alli,
Pero varias voces los llamaron para que volvieran.
Para entonces nuestros amiguitos se dieron cuenta que las criaturas que
hablaban eran murciélagos.
Un murciélago viejito llamado Oly, le preguntó a Jack que era lo que hacian
tan lejos de sus casas.
"Queriamos explorar la cueva" dijo Jack.
"Queremos saber por que los humanos vienen aqui todo el tiempo" dijo Pete.
"Ah" dijo Oly, "La gente no viene por este camino, ustedes tomaron un distinto
Este lugar no ha sido tocado aun por los humanos, aqui todavia podemos vivir
con tranquilidad.
Si ustedes siguen mas adelante, encontraran un hermoso lago
subterraneo; Pero tengan mucho cuidado" les aconsejó Oly,"Es muy profundo
y cuando hay terremotos el agua se agita violentamente."
"Sientes algun terremoto acercandose?" preguntó Archy temblando de miedo.
"No, no siento ruidos subterraneos ahora, los oyes tú? " preguntó Oly.
"No, pero quiero irme a casa." dijo Archy.
"Oh, no seas pesado" dijeron sus amigos.
"Vamos a echar un vistazo y luego nos iremos a casa" dijo Jack.
"Esta bien." dijo Archy.
No les tomo mucho tiempo llegar al lago, una vez alli, no podian creer
lo que veian sus ojos.
El lugar era hermoso, ellos nunca habían visto tanta agua.
Tambíen habían alrededor algunas plantas extrañas, pero muy bonitas.
Súbitamente, se oyo un gran ruido por encima de la cueva.
Todo el lugar empezó a temblar, ellos se miraron unos a otros, sin decir
palabra dieron media vuelta y empezaron a correr hacia la salida.
Cuando estuvieron fuera de la cueva, lo último que vieron de Archy fué
una nube de polvo que hiba dejando a la carrera.
Jack, Pete y Timmy se dejaron caer al suelo para tomar aliento.
Timmy fue a ver al rededor y llamo a los otros. No había sido un terremoto.
Eran un monton de motociclistas haciendo mucho ruido con los tubos de
escape de sus motos. Algunos de ellos ya estaban armando un campamento.
Cuando nuestros amiguitos llegaron a casa, fueron a buscar a Archy.
El se estaba escondiendo, se sentía avergonzado de haber estado asustado
todo el tiempo.
Cuando por fin sus amigos lo encontraron, Timmy y Pete se burlaron de el.
"No molesten a Archy" dijo Jack, "Esta fué la primera vez que hemos
ido tan lejos, yo tambien estaba asustado."
"Creo que todos lo estuvimos" dijo Pete.
"Si, yo tambíen sentí temor. Archy, lamento haberte fastidiado" dijo Timmy.
Despues todos se fueron a sus respectivos hogares.
Al anochecer se juntáron nuevamente y se sentáron al rededor
de una fogata. Habláron y se rieron de lo que vivieron durante el dia.
Luego se pusieron a hacer planes para su próxima aventura.
Escríto por: Patty
Ilustrado por: Hung

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Regalos/ Gifts

Hola, quiero contarles que Hung me hace regalos muy especiales para mi cumpleaños o navidad.

Son tarjetas que el dibuja, con mis actores preferidos.

La primera, empezando desde abajo,es mi Bond favorito, despues de Sean y antes de Daniel.

La segunda, el fue Legolas o Will Turner.

La tercera, ustedes ya saben quienes son.

Y la ultima, el solia viajar en el tiempo, y canto para los picapiedra como Jimmy Darrock.

Saben sus nombres?


Hi, I want to tell you about the gifts that Hung makes for me on my birthday or christmas.

He makes cards with the actors that I like.

The first one starting at the bottom,He is my favorite Bond, after Sean and before Daniel.

The second one, He was Legolas or Will Turner.

The third one, You already know who they are.

And the last one, He used to time travel, He also sung for the flinstones as Jimmy Darrock.

Do you know their names?
