Tuesday, April 29, 2014

VNAF A1 Skyraiders and Vietnamese Girls

Well, welcome back everybody! I haven't posted anything new for a while, it feels so good to do this simple task once again!
It's something new. I sketched the idea based on my old Skyraider diecast model and a photograph of two Vietnamese girls on their Honda stopping at a traffic light (they were wearing blouses and skirts though!). The rest, I would blame it on checking out many Romain Hugault's pin ups lately. I wish I could draw planes as well as CoVu or some other Belgian and French comic artists. I admire these gentlemen for their talents. I like to draw people, so I always tried to add things into my plane drawings as a way to express myself better. I also enjoyed this style more. I used to draw cartoons and caricatures for some small news papers and magazins, but that's about it. Well...to be honest, I have never been to any arts school or taken any arts classes. I am a simple working man who just found a hobby and decided to stick to it :)
If you enjoy my art, it is already a great pleasure for me.
As a Vietnamese, I hope to see a comic strip/book about the VNAF done by Mr. CoVu someday. He will have a lot of fans...I will be one among them!
Thanks again everyone for checking out my blog!
