Tuesday, December 31, 2013

VNAF Captain Tran The Vinh

Hi everybody,

Here is what I had in mind since before I drew Captain Tran The Vinh's portrait. Last night, I sketched the Skyraider. This afternoon, I colored it and added a background to the drawing. I just noticed that I miss several details on the A-1...Well, I am still learning. Hope you all enjoy my artwork...I really enjoyed drawing it!
Thank you,


Saturday, December 28, 2013

VNAF Captain Tran The Vinh ( Anh hùng KQVNCH - Cố Đại Úy Trần Thế Vinh )

Hi everybody,

It's been a while since my last post. I have been so, so busy this year ... well, it's a long story... Anyway, I found a little time to do one VNAF drawing before the end of the year. I read the story of Captain Tran The Vinh online and was inspired to do a sketch of his portrait and color it digitally. I did not have a good reference, just a very small image on the internet so ... I hope that I did o.k.  Well, I really wanted to add a Skyraider  in the background but I was with a cold and just got so tired! Maybe I will do that later when I feel better. For now, Happy Holidays to all of you and I wish you all a happy and prosperous Year of The Horse 2014. Well, just like what people say " Mã đáo thành công!" ( Horses bring Victory!)
