Monday, July 28, 2008

Our blog's aniversary/ El aniversario de nuestro blog

I can not believe we have had our blog for a year now, It has been an amazing time, even though we haven't been able to publish stories or pictures more often. The good thing is, WE WILL CONTINUE, and we hope that you'll enjoy our work as much as we enjoy doing it.

Thank you for your company.

Love..... Patty

No puedo creer que nuestro blog ya cumplio un año. Hemos pasado un tiempo
maravilloso aunque no hemos podido publicar cuentos o dibujos
PERO CONTINUAREMOS, y esperamos que ustedes disfruten
de nuestro trabajo asi como nosotros disfrutamos haciendolo.

Muchas gracias por su compañia.

Cariños.... Patty

Celebremos el dia de la Indepencia del Peru


Es mi deseo que todos los Peruanos que estamos dentro y fuera de
nuestro pais, nos unamos no solo en este dia si no tambien a diario
en este sentimiento patriotico y pongamos siempre en alto y con
mucho orgullo el nombre del "PERU"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joseph!

Hi Joseph,
I've heard that you will turn eight this weekend. I can't come to your birthday party because I have to work, but I've managed to do a funny picture for you. I Hope you like it.
Happy Birthday!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hi all! According to Andrea's request, I am glad to post this drawing of Pepe as Superman so that everybody can see. Actually, I did this for Pepe's birthday last month. It is a pencil sketch with Adobe Photoshop colors. Hope you all like it!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Seasons in the Sun

We finally have something for July, Yeeeeeeeah...! Listening to Terry Jack singing "Seasons in the Sun" giving us the idea for this new Allie Cats strip. We wish that Allie will have many, many more beautiful seasons in the sun to come!....We had joy. We had fun...Love you, Allie!!!

Hung and Patty.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pencil Sketch of Clive Owen

I have not drawn any Allie Cats strip in June. However, I found time lately to practice some pencil sketching of people which I am not very good at. Any way, I posted this drawing to have something for July 2008. Hopefully, I will get better with more practice.