Friday, May 2, 2008

¡Abuela tiene razon!

..........Surrrrrrrrrprise!!!!! Another comic strip came out (snap fingers) just like that! Well, before we knew it , you've got some thing fresh to read on our blog.

You can say that we got lucky but this here story was inspired by real situations.... For many times, I have caught Allie trying on all of Patty's shoes, one pair after another, walking proudly and happyly around the house in front of the amazed Pancha and Cucha. I figure it's just a way for her to tell Patty - Abuela...I am a big girl now!!!

Some other times, I saw Cucha exploring Patty's leather boots and that was...hmm...something!

Believe me! Living with these real characters is quite an experience. It would be easier for you just to sit back, relax and "watch" it through ..........The Allie Cats Comic Strip!!!!!

Hung and Patty.

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