Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Journey

Everything started with a gusty wind; I was eating in my bush when all of a
sudden I found myself running in the walkway, people passing by my side,
one or two almost stepped on me.

It took me a while to reach the grass and then I hide. I don't know for
how long, I was just terrified.

While sitting on the grass I thought about how lucky I was. My life could have
ended that morning, I might have never seen my wings.
I could have never flied.
After that morning, Ididn't live in my bush anymore, the one I was born in.
I never saw my sisters again.

But I had a destiny to follow, so I continue living. I met new creatures in my
new home;Some other caterpillars of a different family. We got along well.
The ants around here were very helpful, there was an exchange of services.
They gave as proteccion from predators, some of us gave them honeydew.
The leaves of the new bush were the same as the other, so there was no
change in my diet, I ate and ate and ate. Every day I was growing bigger.
The time to start shedding my skin arrived.
I shed my skin three times already, it is time to build my chrysalis.
It will be my home for several weeks until I will become an adult.
I am so exited but also scare, it is all a mystery, nobody ever told what is
going to happen and how, I only know that at the end I will be a
beautiful butterfly.
I am very shallow I know, but now I am green and even though I know
I am not a common worm, I look like one. The birds will love to eat me.
Luckily the leaves that I eat give me a very bad taste; Well it is what
I had been told.
So many days have passed since my last thought, I am loosing my appetite.
The time is near, I better start looking for a suitable place to hung myself up;
What I mean is that I will make some silk threat to form a pad that I will stick
to a twig then my skin will become hard and will form a case that will
have some hooks at the end of my abdomen to hold to the pad.
This will be the chrysalis that I mentioned some days ago. I will sleep in this
case for some weeks until the magic is done.
Hi! it is me again, I am hanging in here, my wings are heavy I cannot move
them yet.It will take some hours for them to dry, That's wierd,
I would like to know how did they got wet.
When the time comes I will have so many things to ask our creator.
Now is time for me to say goodbye, I'll see you in your garden.

Story by: Patty

Illustrated by Hung

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