Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
To Hung

Thank you sweety for your words. This is the first time that I could draw something coming out of my mind. It took me only six hours(ironic) what you can make in 5 minutes.
Also thank you for how beautiful Patty Lechat looks, is very encouraging.
For months now I have been very watchful with my food, I'm working out because I have to look like her.
For those who don't know, our characters are base in myself, my grandfather John and my grandfather Victor. Every time that I see how Hung portrays them my eyes fill up with tears.
I loved them both so much and I miss them. Bringing them to life in our story is my way to remember and honor them.
They will be always in my heart.
Gracias cariño por tus palabras. Esta es la primera vez que puedo dibujar algo de mi propia imaginación. Me tomo solo seis horas hacer lo que a ti te toma 5 minutos.
Tambien quiero agradecerte por lo hermosa que se ve Patty Lechat, es un fuerte estimulo para mi, por que quiero llegar a verme como ella. Es por esa razon que he tomado mas en serio mis habitos alimenticios y estoy haciendo del ejercicio una rutina.
Para aquellos que no saben, los personajes de la tira comica estan basados en mi, mi abuelo John y mi abuelo Victor. Cada vez que veo como Hung los describe en sus dibujos los ojos se me llenan de lagrimas.
Yo los ame a los dos muchísimo y tambien los extraño muchísimo. Haciendolos parte de nuestra historieta es mi forma personal de recordarlos y honrarlos.
Ellos estaran siempre en mi corazon.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 9

Besides, did you notice that Miss Lechat keeps looking prettier and prettier?
To Patty with all my love!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 8

Hi Everydody,
I tried to draw this strip 100% digitally. It was faster, less messy but it also froze my pre-historic computer a few times. Well, I have to find another way to draw my comics with less steps (pencil sketching, inking, lettering, coloring) in order to publish my story more often. Perhaps, I should continue to do sketching and inking the pictures conventionally. Then do the lettering, coloring and final touch up on my computer using Photoshop. That way, it will be easier for my computer to process all the data.
Well, I hope you enjoy the comics no matter which way I drew it.
Happy to draw for you!
I tried to draw this strip 100% digitally. It was faster, less messy but it also froze my pre-historic computer a few times. Well, I have to find another way to draw my comics with less steps (pencil sketching, inking, lettering, coloring) in order to publish my story more often. Perhaps, I should continue to do sketching and inking the pictures conventionally. Then do the lettering, coloring and final touch up on my computer using Photoshop. That way, it will be easier for my computer to process all the data.
Well, I hope you enjoy the comics no matter which way I drew it.
Happy to draw for you!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 7

I am back! Sorry for my long absence. I have been so busy learning and adjusting to my new job. I am still pretty much occupied with works and study until October but I have tried to make a come-back. Thank you Patty for holding the fort for a while. I really like your poem. I think it is cute, creative and imaginative. Same credits go to your drawing. I always love analyzing other people's drawings. I like the hair of the person who is falling down and a part of the cat still shows when he is jumping out the window.
Good job, Patty!
Hope to see more of your poems and drawings.
La noche en silencio
Me encontraba lista para dormir
con las luces apagadas ya
mis oraciones tambien rezadas
cerre mis ojos deseando
poder empezar a soñar
Me era dificil relajarme
me era dificil olvidar
todo el dia fue agotante
todo el dia tuve que tardar
Por fin el silencio me relajo
senti que ya podria soñar
mas de pronto mi gata
en mi oido se puso a maullar
¡Por poco me muero del susto!
¡Por poco me puse a gritar!
pero aun asi temblando
la fui persiguiendo
¡La quería matar!
Tropece con un zapato
el TV callo sobre mi
y la gata aun maullando
por la ventana se fue al fin
Me sente en la alfombra
abria grande los ojos en la obscuridad
todo al rededor era un caos
pero yo sentia que ya no podia mas
Estaba tan agotada
queria reventar
pero lo peor de todo lo que habia pasado
¡Es que ya no me pude relajar!
Poema y arte: Patty
con las luces apagadas ya
mis oraciones tambien rezadas
cerre mis ojos deseando
poder empezar a soñar
Me era dificil relajarme
me era dificil olvidar
todo el dia fue agotante
todo el dia tuve que tardar
Por fin el silencio me relajo
senti que ya podria soñar
mas de pronto mi gata
en mi oido se puso a maullar
¡Por poco me muero del susto!
¡Por poco me puse a gritar!
pero aun asi temblando
la fui persiguiendo
¡La quería matar!
Tropece con un zapato
el TV callo sobre mi
y la gata aun maullando
por la ventana se fue al fin
Me sente en la alfombra
abria grande los ojos en la obscuridad
todo al rededor era un caos
pero yo sentia que ya no podia mas
Estaba tan agotada
queria reventar
pero lo peor de todo lo que habia pasado
¡Es que ya no me pude relajar!
Poema y arte: Patty
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Silence in the night

I was ready to sleep
the lights were out
my prayers said
I shut off my eyes
wishing to go to the dreamland place.
It was hard to relax
It was hard to forget
the whole day was crazy
the whole day I was late
The silence relaxed me
I felt I could dream
Then suddenly my cat
meowed in my ear
She scare me to death!
She scare me oh dear!
but even while trembling
I ran after her
I tripped with a shoe
the TV fell on me
and the cat still meowing
thru the window ran free
I sat on the carpet
peeling my eyes in the dark
all around was a caos
but I didn't give a damn
I was so exausted
I was so upset
but the worst thing that happened
was that I got wide awake!
Poem and art: Patty
Sunday, August 2, 2009
It's been a long time

Esta es una ardilla voladora, no es
Hi, it has been a very long time since we posted something
in our blog; I apologise.
The reason is that Hung has been pormoted in his job, he has new responsabilities. He is also in training and he has little time
to update the comic strip.
The story is done, I finished it long time ago. Hung has promised
me that he will continue with the art soon.
I want to see it completed too, well I only can tell you that it is a
very good story; I'm sure you're going to like it.
Hola, ha pasado bastante tiempo desde la ultima vez que
publicamos algo en nuestro blog. Nos disculpamos.
La razon es que Hung a sido ascendido en su trabajo,
el ahora tiene mas responsabilidades y al mismo tiempo
esta aprendiendo cosas nuevas y dispone de poco tiempo para
actualizar la tira comica.
La narracion ya esta terminada, yo la acabe hace algun tiempo.
Hung me ha prometido que terminara la parte artistica pronto.
Tambien yo quiero verla terminada, bueno lo que puedo
adelantarles es que es una buena historia, estoy segura que ha
ustedes les gustara.
besos, kisses
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