Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 3

I love the surprises that Hung gives me, of course.
I do like my Isuzu a lot, It's my toy.
I laugh so much every time that I open the blog and find little things like this.
The process of our comic strip making goes in this way.
We talked over dinner, sometimes a little wine is involved. Then He tells me what he has in mind. I use my hand recorder while he talks. I have very bad memory, Then I listen several times and my brain starts working in the story.
I come to the computer and start writing for half an hour or more until I have the first draft.
I let it rest for a day or so, I come back to it, finish the story and e-mail it to him to revise and make suggestions, then the final draft is made, but over the course of drawing he adds or takes thing accordingly.
That's why he surprises me.
Hola todos,
Me encantan las sorpresas que Hung me prepara, claro que si.
Tambien me gusta mucho mi Isuzu, es mi juguete.
Me da mucha risa cada vez que abro nuestra pagina y encuentro
cositas como esta.
El proceso que seguimos para hacer la tira comica es el siguiente;
Conversamos a la hora de la cena, a veces acompañados
por una copa de vino, entonces el me cuenta que es lo que tiene
en mente, mientras el esta hablando yo estoy grabando
lo que el dice.
Mi memoria es muy mala.
Entonces yo escucho la grabacion varias veces y mi cerebro
empieza a trabajar en el relato.
Voy a la computadora y empiezo a escribir el primer borrador.
Lo dejo descansar por uno o mas dias, luego regreso lo termino y
se lo mando por correo electronico para que el lo revise,
me haga algunas sugerencias y luego completo el relato.
A medida que el va dibujando hace algunos arreglos
agregando o eliminando algunos detalles adecuadamente.
Es asi como me sorprende.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 2

Surprise!!! Well, I told Patty that I would be very busy this week and no strip would make it to the blog at all. It actually is a very stressful week at work and I am not feeling very well either but somehow I managed to draw a new strip to post. You might ask "Why is there an Isuzu Amigo in the drive-way?". Patty has a car like that in real life. It is a little old now and it has problems now and then but the thing still runs and she loves it! I hope that Patty will appreciate what I did for her in this strip about her old car. Hope you will enjoy it , too.
See you all next time!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Mini-Wonder 1

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Patty Lechat 3

Hi everybody, I'm back! I've been sick since last Wednesday. Today I am feeling better so I decided to continue with my new comics strip Patty Lechat. It will take one more strip to finish the character introduction. Then the adventures will begin, hopefully. Life has been tough on all of us lately. I am glad I am still able to draw things that I like. I found out that it helped me relax, too. If everything looks good, I will draw more...So hope you all like my strips.
Thank you very much!
Hung and Patty.