Thursday, November 23, 2023

Front Beach, Vung Tau sometime before 1975


I drew this one just for fun ... did not have much time so I used the O1 that I did before for another project. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

You are not alone

    Hello, everybody. I did this drawing not to tell a story but to express my feelings. It has not been a very good year for me, but so far so good!  I have hope for the upcoming days and look forward to a brighter future.  When the sketch was ready, I had difficulty finding a reference for the face of the character. So... Why not draw me instead! I then picked up the phone and took a selfie at the right angle as it showed in the sketch. After taking out some (a lot!) gray hairs and wrinkles, it began to look pretty good to me...actually not too bad for a guy my age :) Well, it is nice turning my imagination into a picture.  If you look at the situation in my drawing, the odds are about even (three against three).  Life sometimes makes us choose between options A and B (there is no option C!). So, make up your mind and go for it.  Take another step because you might have a chance...